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Performance Management (Invercargill)

How to help your poor performer up or out.

795 New Zealand dollars
Bill Richardson Transport World

Service Description

- How to deal with performance management day to day - How to competently run an employee through a structured 4-step performance management process - How to run an effective coaching meeting - Understand the differences between minor and serious misconduct - Run an effective disciplinary meeting if required - Understanding the legal requirements Performance Management is the challenging end of the leadership spectrum. It's the place where you have to make tougher decision that could result in the removal or dismissal of an employee. If despite your best efforts through positive leadership and deliberate coaching, you have failed to get the desired results you expected, this workshop is where you follow through to help your poor performer up or out. This workshop looks at the deliberate skills and actions required to deal with poor performance or non-compliance in the workplace. Attendees will learn the day to day coaching that needs to take place before the formal process begins and the tools and techniques to deal with poor performance as soon as it happens - before it becomes a problem. If the situation escalates, attendees will also be armed with the knowledge of how to go through the formal process, with the tools and templates needed. Your Facilitator: Jono Pooch Jonathan is passionate about making a difference, a passion that he translates into his teaching and mentoring. Jonathan is a practical coach and facilitator, with a particular focus on relating a meaningful and real experience. Jonathan is an experienced business leader, having established New Zealand’s largest consultancy specialising in energy management and sustainability strategy. Through the evolution of his business, Jonathan experienced the highs and lows of leading a business, and all things in between. His particular skills are team building, change management and professional development. Jonathan is a Chartered Professional Engineer and active member of the Institute of Directors - Participants of this programme are likely to be: - Keen to learn how to challenge their staff in a fair, reasonable, and legal way - Keen to learn how to hold their staff accountable - Looking for practical, useful performance management tools & techniques that can be applied immediately - Leaders committed to following through on performance concerns - This programme is designed for middle to senior Managers within the organisation who are responsible for holding their staff accountable.

Cancellation Policy

Should you be unable to attend the workshop for unexpected reasons, please contact us ASAP to avoid cancellation charges.

Contact Details


73 Marshalls Rd, Springston, New Zealand

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